Tuto: Add a list of contacts
07 Nov 2018
Tuto: Add a list of contacts
On the store homepage:
- Click on your name and picture in the top right corner of the screen "Hello {Your First Name / Last Name}"
- Display the drop-down menu with the small arrow next to your name;
- Click on the "My Contacts" section;
- Then on "Add a list of contacts";
- You will be able to name this list at your convenience;
- The list will then show up, you can change it’s title by clicking on the "edit"icon, or add members to the list by clicking on the "list" icon next to it;
- Then you can either: manually enter your contacts (last name, first name, address, ...) or export an Excel document template, then import your Excel document containing the recipients' details from your computer / note that the system is compatible with Prospect lists.
And...done deal!
And if you still have some struggles, do not hesitate to contact us!